Molly and Eric are on the road!

A collection of observation, experience, and creativity based on or inspired by the trip we've embarked on. Seeking out and utilizing time with conversant individuals and relevant organizations we hope to turn our attention toward realistic attempts at bridging the gap between city & farm.

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07 May 2011


Taking good advice from friends in Jackson, we entered Yellowstone National Park with high hopes of bear and wolf sightings and were thrillingly rewarded by 4 bear and 2 wolves (in addition to hundreds of elk and bison – some strolling through our campsite, cranes, pronghorns, mink, marmot, coyote, fox… and a National Geographic-style glimpse of the food chain as a great blue heron skillfully secured and consumed his 12-inch trout dinner as we spied on him through our binocs.  

Such a physically impressive area as well, we gawked at dozens of spouting geysers, gurgling springs, boiling rivers, and steaming forest.  Old faithful is a highlight for good reason, but our favorite was the Fountain Paint Pots – we could have witnessed the entertaining multicolored splats, bubbles, and spurts for hours.
The chilly nights and 20 foot tall snow banks on the side of some roads keep the masses away until summer arrives, so we thankfully had many moments to experience this magical, serene place place properly – in respectful silence.